Denis Titchenell
This collection of verses is dedicated with sympathy to any who can identify with them -- in hopes that a few lines in the right place can help everyone concerned gain some needed perspective.

Secret Ballots

Our secret ballot votes are just as fair as they can be.
(As long as all the ballot sheets are then returned to me.)
For pencil here and marker there, each ballot gets a name.
What waste to let them vote if I can't find out whom to blame!

The "volume" of truth

I shout my point at you
And volume makes it true
For in your quest for peace
You nod so I will cease.

Dictatorial Tribulations

No one disrespects me or at least they daren't say so
(Except a few disgruntled ones whose numbers seem to grow).
They just won't vote correctly, so I strive to bring them round 
With threats and ploys that serve to drive dissension underground.
We'll use no "rules of order," save when they endorse me
And I'll dictate the minutes as I'd like the facts to be.
Still no one disrespects me and many cringe in fear 
But I'm running low on sycophants and dread the truth to hear.

A Sound Thought

The thought of sound recording just fills his heart with dread.
What is it he would like to say -- and then deny having said?

Major Minority or Minor Majority

I declared myself dictator "to protect us from a minority."
(I dare not let them vote for that minority's in the majority.)


This one hears "A" and that one "B" -- each one I can sway.
For this one: "fear" and that one: "rage" I snow each in his way.
One lie for all occasions?  That game's too hard to play.

They never vote their minds at once but always come to me
So I can teach each one of them just what his vote should be.
"You've got to give me credit!"  I love democracy.

An Unappreciated Legacy

A vote is of great value.  Odd that some folks would
cast it for a dictator and loose their vote for good.

Obsession with Authorship

He utters lies ... they genuflect
	And fail to think it through.
The weak mind trusts authority	
	When trust may not be due.
What matters who the author is
	When word and thought ring true?

In and out of favor

You watch him fight his fights and then
	Appalled at what he'll do
You know that it's not if but when
	He'll do the same to you
One day when favorites change again
	And enemies are few

Random kindness (Ode to a noble but muzzled minion)

The words of anger aren't her own
She does it out of duty.
She aspires to a kinder tone
And senseless acts of beauty.

But nobler thoughts God will allow,
And time can't keep them unexpressed
Though silent they remain for now
In this realm of malice manifest.

Copyright © 2001 Denis Titchenell
Permission hereby granted for non-commercial copying, transmission, and posting provided this copyright notice is included.