Homeschooling Thoughts

Homeschooling in Action
Homeschooling in Action

Homeschooling parents can ignore what are for the most part government directives as to what shall be taught and when. Rather, parents and children can work together to develop courses of study that address long-term needs, interests, and capabilities in the context of what they, and not a bureaucracy of somewhat dubious credibility, deem important and necessary.
-David and Micki Colfax, "Homeschooling for Excellence"

Homeschooling in Action
Homeschooling in Action

Take away paradox from the thinker and you have a professor.
- Kierkegaard

Homeschooling in Action
Homeschooling in Action

Share your homeschooling resources with others, and see what they are using. Not all parents feel confident about teaching all subjects to their children. The obvious solution is collaborative homeschooling.
See Free Online Classroom for Collaborative Homeschooling