Advanced Writing Class notes and assignments February 10, 2011. Persuasive essays and debates

Dear Scholars,

Our online WiZiQ recording of the Feb. 10 Thursday class worked and is available online.

Present and summarize arguments for and against school uniforms.

At the end of class we decided to prepare arguments either for written or oral presentation and I was asked to determine the topic.

Let’s use this proposition:
“Copyright law should be strictly enforced.”

Let’s all put together material in support of or in opposition to this proposition (preferably both), post it and be prepared to speak on the issue next week.

Please post any resources on this subject that might be of value to the class.

We went over projects this week:

Abortion Should Be Illegal
The Stuttering Dinosaur – FINAL

Added Resource:
Sadlier Oxford vocabulary practice

Added Resource:
Documentary: The Gutenberg Bible

K. Titchenell

We then held a debate on the use of school uniforms.

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