College Prep English for Homeschoolers at EIE, November 20, 2014
Dear Homescholars,
Class Agenda November 20, 2014
Last week’s online class feed DID NOT WORK: Google Plus dropped the feed after a few minutes. Let’s hope this week will work better after some testing.
Note: No class next week: THANKSGIVING.
November 20, 2014 class
Class event on Google Plus
Youtube Page
The playlist for our 2014-2015 classes is here:
To learn more about the class, please visit:, see the links and watch the video.
The playlist of 2013-2014 classes is also on Youtube:
Project discussion
Assignments discussion
Essay Study
Essays by David Berlinski, a remarkably eloquent and incisive American author. Let’s start with All Those Darwinian Doubts.
Here are a few more to choose from:
Where Physics and Politics Meet |
A Scientific Scandal |
What Brings a World into Being? |
The Advent of the Algorithm The 300-Year Journey from an Idea to the Computer |
Was There a Big Bang? |
Let’s discuss chapter 6 in the text.
Let’s continue with Hamlet and prepare recitations.
Updated Assignments
Please continue to submit papers, poems, diatribes, ruminations.
Let’s read Chapter 7 in the text.
Language immersion
Let’s finish up ongoing assignments: the Jonathan Miller documentary: The Body in Question and The Machine That Made Us, documentary on the Gutenberg press by Stephen Fry.
Let’s go on to:
Rowan Atkinson on freedom of speech
David Berlinski lecture: The Devil’s Delusion
A really rather fascinating lecture. Listen to it specifically for the language.
Documentary by Jonathan Miller: Madness Note that some of this material is rather heavy. Please skip any parts.
Documentary by Stephen Fry: Planet Word
Lower Priority Assignments
Terry Eagleton on the war on terror. Prof. Eagleton is one of the great speakers.
Robert Fisk on writing and journalism. Fisk is one of the most highly honored journalists in the world.