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Practice for the New Verbal SAT


accountants, 8
acrobats, 50
adjective, v, vi
adjectives, 94
adverbs, v, 94
amateur astronauts, 7
articles, 95
bagpipes, 40
basilisk, comatose, 60, 87
begonias, experimental, 39
bicycle inner tubes, 12
bird seed and vermiculite, 12
birdcage, 9
budgies, soiled, 52
bungee jumping (in costume), 7
case problems, 37
cassava melon, 62
cheese, 3
chocolate birdbath, 39
Clockwork Submarine Fanciers' Amateur Operatic Society, 7
College Board, the, iii
comma splice, 19
commonly confused verbs, 9
conjunctions, 95
construction-grade vegetables, 51
conventions used, v
Cossacks, 20
dependent clause, 19, 20
divination rituals, 28
drier lint, 28
drywall, 13, 17, 18, 26, 28
egg whisk. See Muses Contemplating an Egg Whisk
either (singular and plural), 6
elliptical references, 38
Excellence in Education, iii, v
ferret, greased, 39
flamingoes, 8
fudge, 40
fused sentence, 19
gaudy socks, 5, 8, 17, 20, 31, 32, 50
gingerbread, 17
Google, 33
Greek and Latin roots., 96-101
gypsy violinists' existential reading circle, 7
herring tarts, 7, 40, 41
horses, changing in mid metaphor, 60
hyena (inflatable), 40
idioms, 69
interjections, 95
intransitive, 11
Kilimanjaro, 52
kitchen utensils, bizarre, dangerous looking, 8
Latin and Greek roots., 96-101
lay and lie, commonly confused verbs, 9
leeches, 7
like or as, 60
linguini, 28
lists, 27-28
mammoth, 21
marmalade, 40
mastodon, 21
mayonnaise, 6
metaphors, 59-60
metaphors, mixed, 59
modifiers, misplaced, 51-52
Munchkins, 6
Muses Contemplating an Egg Whisk, 8
mushroom (giant), 7
nachos, seafood, 62, 68
nontraditional media, 1, 12
number, singular and plural, 6
oatmeal, 8
ostrich, 40
Oxford English Dictionary, 32
parallel construct, 27, 28
parts of speech, 86-95
pig races, 53
plural, 5
prepositions, vi, vii, 39, 87, 94
progressive, vi, 90, 91, 92, 93
pronoun peclension, 37
repetition of words, 11
Romance Languages as a Primary Cause of Dental Deformities, 8
runcible spoon, 11
run-on sentence, 19
scoundrels. See Union of Concerned Miscreants and Scoundrels
scurvy, 17, 18
sentence fragments, 18, 20
shoe size, 13, 17
similes, 60
singular, 5
skillet, 11
soufflé, 9
spinach lasagna, 34, 36
Springle, Quilp, 8
spurtle, industrial-strength, 40
squeegee, 21
repetition of words, 11
subject, subject/verb agreement, 7
submarine. See Clockwork Submarine Fanciers' Amateur Operatic Society
subordinating elements, 20
sundial (luminous), 11
swallow (laden), 8
swim fins and goggles, 52
telephone tag, 19
thermal underwear, 18
tortoise, magic, 40
transitive, 11
Troy (siege of), 45, 51
turnip and potato juggling, 51
Union of Concerned Miscreants and Scoundrels, 38
universal happiness quotient, 60
usage research, 33
varied sentence structure, 19
verb phrase construction, rules, 90-94
verbs, v, vi, vii, 27, 28, 60, 87, 89, 90, 91, 87-94, 96, 97, 98, 99
verbs, list of irregular, 89
Vikings and Amazons, 50
vision and sight, 68
waffle iron, 8
whom (pronoun declension), 38
wildebeest, 6
yogurt flinging, 40
zookeeper, officious, flowerpot-wielding, 40
  Excerpted with permission from SAT Practice: The New Verbal Section.