Note: These are exercises used in classroom and online courses. See the
Abacus-es Classes page. Many contain intentional errors to be fixed. Be sure to look up vocabulary terms as needed.
Fill in the blank with Who or Whom as appropriate.
- ________ did the mural of downtown Pasadena infested with Frisbee-throwing kangaroos most effectively irritate?
- ________ did this exemplary book report on The History of Footwear in Estonia in
- ________ do you think should recite Dr. Seuss's Lorax while balancing the barbaloots and juggling theeds?
- ________ shall we have recite Dr. Seuss's Lorax while balancing the barbaloots
and juggling the theeds?
- ________ did the mural of downtown
Pasadena infested with Frisbee-throwing kangaroos?
- ________ do you consider to be the least objectionable representative from the Monrovia chapter of the Union of Concerned Miscreants and Scoundrels?
- ________ did this exemplary book report on The History of Footwear in Estonia?
- ________ is the most inconspicuous member of the Clockwork Submarine Enthusiast's
Amateur Operatic Society likely to impersonate?
- After doing the Louvre, ________ did the Museum of the Shoes of Famous Frenchmen?
- ________, do you think, would be the least objectionable representative from the Monrovia chapter of the Union of Concerned Miscreants and Scoundrels?
- .________ had the enormous melting snow diplodocus with him when he crept through the rumpus room and over the nearly new Persian carpet?
- ________ did this exemplary book report
on The History of Footwear in Estonia intimidate?
- _______ had the enormous melting snow diplodocus soaked when creeping through the
rumpus room and over the nearly new Persian carpet?
- After doing the Louvre, ________ did the Museum of the Shoes of Famous Frenchmen
cause to lose all sensation in her left heel?
- ________ is the most
inconspicuous member of the Clockwork Submarine Enthusiast's
Amateur Operatic Society?