Note: These are exercises used in classroom and online courses. See the
Abacus-es Classes page. Many contain intentional errors to be fixed. Be sure to look up vocabulary terms as needed.
Grammar Playsheet 2
Circle the errors in the following. Below each sentence, write your corrected version. (Watch for misplaced modifiers and pronoun declension.)
- Might you have "The Amazing Adventures of Captain Gladys Stoutpamphlet and her Intrepid Spaniel Stig Amongst the Giant Pygmies of Beckles," volume eight.
- While perusing "Ethel the Aardvark on Differential Calculus," I happened to notice the shoe salesman driving a compact car wearing a hat.
- If you can't trust Ethel the Aardvark, who can you trust?
- Being far too full to eat a bite more, the offer of Venezuelan beaver cheese did not evoke the expectant howls of delight.
- Please give the dead parrot to whomever wants it.
- It was not I but he who did the fish-slapping dance at the canal overlooking two vast herd of wildebeest.
- I was hardly surprised at the reaction of the Clockwork Submarine Fanciers Amateur Operatic Society. It was an act of purest optimism to have posed the question in the first place.
- To Rupert's surprise, he was comfortably able to drive the tractor wearing swim fins and goggles.
- Ranging from the size of a large hamster to that of three very small elk, I didn't know whether to look for it in the grass, up a tree, or under a bridge.
- Between bicycle seat and egg whisk, which do you think would be most useful on a desert island?
- Among eggs, bacon, and Spam, which has more cholesterol?
- None of them was able to find their weapon in the peanut shells.
- Ducking under the flock of pestilent soiled budgies, the handlebars struck the sandwich in my pocket doing irreparable harm to the avocado.
- While climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, which is quite steep up to the very top and then slopes away rather sharply, Rupert's hair dryer required constant adjustment.
- Wriggling around like that, it took me more than four hours to bury the cat.