Note: These are exercises used in classroom and online courses. See the
Abacus-es Classes page. Many contain intentional errors to be fixed. Be sure to look up vocabulary terms as needed.
Choose the correct verb form.
- Juliette reluctantly decreed, through billows of acrid polyester fumes, that stuffed toys are/be/were prevented from playing with the waffle iron.
- A rather threadbare terrycloth squid avoided Juliette's gaze lest it is/be/were prevented from reaching the toaster oven.
- The tides would be far greater if the moon was/were made of Camembert or Brie rather than Romano.
- If it could be determined that the meteor actually was/were composed of gorgonzola, we would know a great deal more about the nature of the universe than we currently do.
- The irascible cossack demanded that the ironmonger produce/produces 16 hand-wrought Sicilian trivets.
- Give me your hands if we are/be/were friends, and Robin shall restore amends.
- The beast in the hamper produced an exhalation of green vapor as if it was/were a dyspeptic dimetrodon.
- If the beast in the hamper was/were a dimetrodon, then this egg should not be kept in the refrigerator.
- The rapacious walrus requested that the eels were/be/are served with dumplings.
- The baffled cormorant noted that the eels were/be/are served with vegemite.
- Rupert took exception to the demand that he relinquish/relinquishes/relinquished his fleet in the Adriatic.