Recommended Homeschooling Classes
Classes are held at the Excellence In Education Resource Center in Monrovia unless otherwise indicated: 2640 S. Myrtle Ave.Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 821 0025. Some courses may also be offered online. Many classes are ongoing with open enrollment, and times are often flexible. Please contact EIE ((626) 821-0025) or the individual teacher to verify details and for further information.
Homeschooling in Action
Consumer Math
This class will include many hands on activities to let students practice and strengthen their basic math skills in
concrete real world situations. Along with money skills such as balancing a checkbook, calculating tips and taxes,
the class will be working with symmetry, time, charts, graphs and scale drawings. There will be a strong emphasis
on problem solving, logical reasoning and estimation.
COST: $160 per semester
CONTACT: Katinka at (626) 798-9657
or email: