Recommended Homeschooling Classes
Classes are held at the Excellence In Education Resource Center in Monrovia unless otherwise indicated: 2640 S. Myrtle Ave.Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 821 0025. Some courses may also be offered online. Many classes are ongoing with open enrollment, and times are often flexible. Please contact EIE ((626) 821-0025) or the individual teacher to verify details and for further information.
Homeschooling in Action
For Grades 9-12
Word It! is filled with creative, teen-related content that will make learning Microsoft Word practical and relevant to students. Teaching a sequential progression of word processing skills - from introductory to advanced - every popular feature of the program will be covered. Sample skills to be taught include bulleted and numbered lists, headers/footers, text alignment, paragraph formatting, styles, shortcuts and mail merge. The textbook is modeled after the official Miscrosoft Office Certification Training skills test.
Class Duration: 1 semester
WHEN: Contact EIE
Instructor: Anna Mae Jones
Tuition: $230 (includes nationally-published $28.95 textbook available at first class)
Minimum enrollment: 5 Maximum enrollment: 9
Prerequisites: Rudimentary knowledge of MS Word and home computer/printer. If possible, bring laptop to class.
Some loaner laptops will be in classroom. Please inquire for availability. This class is compatible with both Word 2003
and Word 2007.